Answers to the most common questions
Jakobsens generally experiences great interest in our company and products. Recently, a number of concrete
topics have been debated on social media and in the press. Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions.
How does Jakobsens label foreign honey?
For Jakobsens, it is important that consumers know what they are buying. That's why the label always states where the honey comes from. We only label our honey "Danish" if it comes from Danish beekeepers.
Foreign honey is labelled in accordance with the current labelling rules, so that it is always at least clear whether the honey is from EU or non-EU countries. In addition, the origin marking may be supplemented with information on the specific countries, e.g. honey from Brazil.
Why have some supermarkets put a Danish flag on Jakobsen's honey from abroad?
Our honey is also sold as so-called private label to supermarket chains. In these cases, the honey is sold under the chains' own brands, and they decide what to put on the packaging - and how to present the honey on shelf fronts, for example. There have been examples of foreign honey being marked with the Danish flag because it was produced in Denmark. This is a widespread practice in the food sector, which has been approved several times by the Food Administration. However, it has proved to give rise to misunderstandings, which is why this practice has now been stopped for honey.
Does Jakobsens think that the rules for labelling foreign honey are good enough?
No. Although the Food and Consumer Agency has said several times that the labelling is fine, we agree that it should be clearer to consumers whether they are buying a purely Danish or foreign product. We have therefore approached the Minister for the Environment and Food, Mogens Jensen, to discuss how the problem can be solved. We recommend a change to the labelling guidelines for honey, which should apply to all producers and benefit consumers.
How does Jakobsens ensure that the honey is of the highest quality?
As the only producer in Europe, Jakobsens analyses all Danish and foreign honey using the latest accredited methods. In addition, Jakobsens - also as the only producer in Europe - has chosen not to buy honey from China or other Asian countries.
Why has the solid honey changed appearance - is it bad?
No. If honey is exposed to high heat over a long period, it will start to melt and a layer of liquid honey or a white layer of "foam" may form on top. There is nothing wrong with the honey from a food safety point of view. The honey can be stirred and will then regain its normal appearance.
Is it correct that Jakobsens mixes foreign honey with Danish and calls it Danish?
No. Honey may not be called Danish unless it is 100% Danish honey. It is illegal to mix Danish honey with foreign honey and label it as Danish. Jakobsens naturally follows the legislation and is also regularly inspected by the Danish Food Administration.
Is honey without additives?
Yes. Honey is a 100% natural product. No food ingredients, including additives or water, may be added. Furthermore, the natural composition of honey must not be altered, for example by removing natural ingredients. The rules are laid down in the Danish Honey Ordinance and in the European Honey Directive.
Do you have more questions?
See our "Behind the scenes" page for more information on honey types and more. You are also welcome to
contact us directly via our "Contact" page.
Tasty honey from Jakobsens
Did you know that we have a wide selection of both solid, liquid and organic honeys? The colour and taste of honey varies depending on which flower nectar the honey comes from. There are many thousands of different types of honey which come from different nectars for example lavender, acacia, heather and orange blossom.
The consistency of honey is naturally fluid, but after a while it will start to crystallise and take on a solid consistency. The ratio of sugars in the honey determines how quickly the honey solidifies.