- 1 kg strawberries
125 g Jakobsens Acacia Honey
125 g Jakobsens Liquid Everyday Honey
- 1.25 litres whipping cream
- 7.5 egg yolks
- 125 g sugar
- 125 g white chocolate
- Wood sorrel and mint for garnish
1. Whip the cream lightly.
2. Turn on the oven to 175 degrees.
3. Beat the plums with the sugar until white and fluffy.
4. Mix the cream and egg mixture together and add the Everyday Honey.
5. Put the mixture in the freezer for at least 6 hours.
6. Marinate the fresh strawberries in Acacia Honey and leave to soak for a few hours.
7. Finely chop the white chocolate and bake on a piece of baking paper for about 10 minutes. - or until golden brown.
8. Cool the white chocolate and then chop the chocolate.
9. Sprinkle the chocolate over the strawberries.
10. Serve with ice and garnish with sorrel and mint.
Product in the recipe
Taste the natural
We have a wide range of products including honeys, syrups, porridges and toppings - all developed with natural flavours in mind. All our products are either organic or free from artificial flavours, colours, sweeteners and preservatives.
See our products here