Cute Christmas stuff

We love December and all it brings in terms of lovely traditions, wonderful Christmas food, being close to loved ones, beautiful Christmas lights that illuminate the towns and cities and, not least, just pure cosiness.

Christmas brings with it so many wonderful traditions - one of which involves sweets. Because can you even say Christmas cheer without mentioning wonderful sweet Christmas treats to sweeten up the festive season? There are a ton of classic recipes that we associate with Christmas. Apple slices, honey hearts, confectionery and much more. Here you'll find inspiration for classic Christmas desserts, like enchanting gingerbread hearts or Christmas waffles, as well as inspiration for different recipes for Christmas cheer, like these delicious peanut butter snickerdoodles. Perfect for spoiling your loved ones during the festive season. 

Enchanting Christmas breakfast

What is a good Christmas morning for you? The opportunity to sleep in or get up early for a long walk. Every family has its own Christmas traditions - but for most it's very much about enjoying time with loved ones. Start the festive season with an enchanting breakfast that tastes like Christmas.

We've gathered all our best recipes for the good Christmas morning, which really brings the Christmas spirit. Gather the family and treat them to a wonderful breakfast. You'll find both a tasty Christmas muesli with honey, cinnamon and cranberries, which is perfect on top of a bowl of skyr - a filling breakfast that provides a good base before Christmas dinner. If you've invited the family for a cosy Christmas brunch, we've also put together a number of recipes that are perfect for the brunch table. All the recipes have a nice Christmas twist in their flavour. Try the recipe for these caramelised pineapple with coconut cream or this lovely apple compote with cinnamon, which tastes great with cheese.